Water purification information

Drinking water from the drinking machine in one step

Views : 75857
Update time : 2022-02-26 11:13:33
It saves the trouble of buying bottled water and bottled water, but can drink pure water in one step - the combination of water purifier and instant water dispenser is a new choice for many families to drink healthy water. In 2021, with the iterative upgrade of products, the emergence of drinking machines will break this pattern again, and the agency predicts that its popularity will continue to heat up in 2022. Whether it is a company or a rented apartment, even if there is no condition to install a water purifier, you can drink pure water through a drinking machine.

healthy drinking water
The purifying machine is free of installation to break the space limitation

Healthy drinking water is the uninterrupted demand of modern people for a day. The water purifiers that have abandoned the shortcoming that bottled water and bottled water need to be purchased continuously, coupled with the instant hot water dispensers that heat up rapidly, have become the new "standard" for healthy drinking water for young families in recent years. The data shows that new products in the online terminal water appliance market have been active since 2018, and will reach its peak in 2020. A large number of emerging Internet brands and comprehensive home appliance brands have flooded into the track and quickly occupy the waist market, using fierce price wars to grab the share of leading brands. 2021 In 2018, the market began to recover rationally, brands gradually withdrawn, and the competition pattern of brands in the offline market was relatively stable.

However, since the installation of the water purifier needs to change the water pipeline, it is inconvenient to implement for rental housing or company scenarios. The emergence of the drinking machine has broken this obstacle. As can be seen from the name, the main function of the purifier is to purify and heat. After the tap water is put into the water tank, the pure water filtered by the filter element is stored in the water tank, and the water is boiled in the instant hot mode. When drinking hot water, it is no longer necessary to boil the water in advance. After the temperature is set, the power of the heater can be controlled by Or the flow rate to achieve the hot water at the target temperature.

One machine can handle the process of pure water filtration, boiling water to cool down, and heat preservation, and it is also one of the best drinking water solutions at present. Major home appliance brands are entering this market one after another. The reporter found that the functions of similar products are roughly the same, but there are differences in appearance design, capacity and energy efficiency of filter elements. The price of mainstream products ranges from 1,500 yuan to 3,000 yuan.

The market is heating up
Promote the iterative upgrade of clean drinking equipment

According to the total data from ogesz, the overall market sales of water appliances in my country will be 36.21 billion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%. , up 1.3% year-on-year, and the scale of net drinking machines was 2.08 billion yuan, up 6.4% year-on-year. Although the heat is heating up, the penetration rate of the water appliance market represented by water purifiers in my country is still relatively low, and there is still a relatively broad market and potential demand to be tapped.
The survey shows that at this stage, water purifiers, drinking fountains, and water dispensers are all breaking through their original functional scenarios. With the advantage of free installation, it can realize scenarios such as drinking water in the whole house and drinking water in the mother and baby bedrooms. In 2021, some brands have added the detachable function of the water purification water storage tank, so that the desktop water purification machine will also have a place in the kitchen cooking water scene; the instant hot water dispenser will expand to the tea drinking scene by adding capsules and automatic brewing functions. . In addition, water softeners achieved rapid growth driven by new scenarios such as clothing care and personal care and bathing.

Water purifiers and drinking purifiers have shown an obvious upgrade trend. For example, the large flux, intelligence, long-term filter element, integrated heating of the water purifier, water sterilization and mineralization filter element of the drinking machine have enriched the product configuration. Significant growth.

The implementation of the national standard is imminent
Product entry barriers raised

Is it necessary to discharge more than one cup of waste water to produce a cup of pure water? Such water purifiers will be "eliminated" by the market this year.

It is worth noting that the national standard "Water Efficiency Limits and Water Efficiency Grades for Water Purifiers" will be implemented on June 1, 2022. The new standard has slightly improved the wastewater ratio requirements for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration products. The provisions of the rated total net water volume. This has an impact on some brands, and a large number of products need to be iterated. Some brands have actively responded to the new water efficiency level requirements and removed products that did not meet the standards.

It is predicted that based on the implementation of the new water efficiency grade standard, the entry threshold for water purifiers will increase, and the number of brands that will exit the water purification market in 2022 will increase. The concentration of Top20 brands will continue to increase, and competition will intensify. The head brands of traditional water appliances should be wary of new Internet brands that are good at marketing and powerful comprehensive home appliance brands to seize the market.
According to the analysis of the price positioning of new products of various brands in 2021, the main competitive price segment of online water purifiers in 2022 will be between US$300 and US$500. In addition, the new water efficiency standard will be implemented soon, and some models in the entry-level market will be eliminated. , the online industry average price continued to rise.

At the same time, the new water efficiency standard will accelerate the elimination of low-end products, and the total rated water purification and long-term filter life share will be significantly increased. At present, some brands have actively promoted the iterative upgrade of internal products. The functions of large flux, intelligence, and integration of net heat have maintained a steady pace of upgrading.
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